Virginia's Process


I am more of a visual person and communicator. As I like to say, I think in pictures. This is why Emily is so important to my process. She takes the design buzzwords we get from couples on calls, and puts them into visual form through mood boards and sketches. During calls I am always taking notes, but they vary between visual journaling and note taking. My handwriting is terrible, so my drawing and doodles usually help me connect the dots when I can’t read my writing (not a calligrapher). My doodles also get shared with Emily to influence the sketching process.

Creative Chaos

I think it is safe to say that my process isn’t easily quantifiable. My process really depends on what the client’s vision is of their day. Watercolor is my main squeeze, but I dabble in all mediums, when the work calls for it. We have created invitations digitally, with ink, acrylic, gouache, paper cut outs, etc. Our artwork is completely custom, so we try to choose a medium that fits the vibe of the invitations but also will achieve the desired effects. Custom also means that we will include whatever visuals you want on your invites. I have painted so many different things over the years for to tell our couples' stories. My favorite thing to paint is fur babies and I am always excited to paint some COLOR! Once we have gotten the design and details figured out, we create a sketch for our couples. After I get my paint mixed to match the desired color schemes, I don’t deviate from the original sketch. This way the delivered goods will look just like the sketch. We do find that sometimes we have to pivot from ideas in the sketch, because they don’t translate appropriately with the medium. I then sit and paint/create for hours. I prefer to work in big chunks of time, and I like to work on multiple pieces at a time. Typically I work directly from inspirational images, and I like to work rather realistically. We do have couples that prefer something more abstracted, like an ink dip or deconstructed florals. For more abstract items I usually make 5-10 versions, so we can get the best version. I currently have 5 big watercolor palettes that I rotate through and prefer Daniel Smith watercolors for a few years now. After I have the artwork completed I get to use my favorite tool, my scanner. I work big and scan bigger that way artwork can be easily enlarged for wedding day signage.

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